Michael Yesk has been in the 1031 business for over 21 years, helping thousands of real estate investors save millions of dollars in taxes that could be used to grow investment portfolios. He founded YESK Law in 2011 and has helped hundreds of homeowners fight their lenders and stay in their homes. Drawn to the law at an early age, he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy from U.C. Berkeley and pursued a law degree from the University of San Francisco.

Michael hosted the popular radio show "Going Beyond Real Estate" on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. on KTRB 860 and "Rock, Roll, and Real Estate" every Sunday morning on KNEW. A well-respected attorney and trainer, he has given seminars to real estate investors as well as accredited free seminars to attorneys, accountants, enrolled agents, and realtors on 1031 exchanges, real estate  investing, substance abuse, and ethics. He has also given paid seminars through Lorman Seminars, National Business Institute, Land Institute, the California Department of Real Estate, and the Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Real Estate Branch. ​He and his wife regularly donate their time to help Tiny Paws Pug Rescue, a non-profit organization whose mission is to save pugs and provide them with much needed medical attention and loving new homes.

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